The driving power for trees sucking water through roots is called osmotic pressure. When water is continuously being evaporated through leaves a pressure differential occurs. And as the salt concentration in the leaf cells is more, by law of nature, this should be diluted. Water from...
Conceptually shoe supports are provided to increase degree of freedom for the pipelines in the longitudinal direction.
Particulary in steam lines, being velocities very high, the chances of pipe movement and thermal expansion are more. shoe is a sliding joint and it will act as a stress reducer...
flow rate of liquids and static head of the system (when you check it by using pressure gauges at various positions in a pipeline) are more or less independant. if you have proper pumping capacities you can have same flow rates in two different systems but with different static heads.
what i...
flow rates in your system are varying from 25 to 100%. in this case if you go for one pump only, the speed of the motor at low capacity condition i.e at 3300 gpm should be reduced to 1/4 th of the full motor speed. Because flow is directly proportional to the speed. but head capacity of the pump...