Can someone please explain the concept of phase rotation. Is it simply the order that the phases peak in? For instance is an ABC phase rotation the case where phase A leads phase B by 120 degrees, and B leads C by 120 degrees? If so, why are the terms clockwise and counter clockwise sometimes...
Thanks. I understand that more forcing requires an earlier firing point, but my question had to do with how quickly the gererator can really respond. peterb mentioned that it is the DC field current that matters, indicating that the field averages the firing pulses. How often must we fire...
Thanks for the informative reply. Is the pulsating nature of the field drive (basically 1 pulse every 16mS for a 60HZ half wave AVR)reflected in the output voltage of the generator?
I understand that an SRC based AVR must conduct (or fire the field) for some "apropriate" portion of a half wave to regulate the generator output voltage, but...For a "generic" half wave AVR on a self excited 3 phase generator, is there a particular instant in time with...