hi rstupplebeen and IceBreakerSours,
Now, this is surprising! Does Abaqus normally apply loads from previous steps even if they are not active?? I would have thought steps were completely independant...
Anyhow, thank you for your answers. I will compare the results of what you suggest with the...
hi IceBreakerSours,
Sure, i have implemented an hyperelastic material model with nonlinear geometry. Just imagine the ball is cubic (!!). I should have said the ball is "stuck" to my hand, that is, one of the surfaces is encastred to my hand. Does this make more sense now?
The boundary...
Dear all,
I have a strange situation here with Abaqus. Hope someone has an answer for this puzzle.
Just imagine you have a very soft rubber ball, in your hand palm down, hanging under gravity. And you want to model how the ball would deform if you turned your hand upside down, palm up. You...
Dear all,
The abaqus manual says you should use quadratic (instead of linear) elements when modelling contact. But if i use quadratic the model becomes too big and Abaqus crashes.
Was wondering, whats your experience with this? Is is completely necessary to use quadratic elements?
Thanks in...
Dear people,
Im trying to model contact between an analytical rigid part and an hyperelastic structure. Theres a first step before that that doesnt involve contact, only gravity.
I'm using C3D10MH elements but when i run the first step, Abaqus (run in parallel in a cluster) crashes with no...
Dear rstupplebeen and mechfeeney,
Thank you for taking the time.
Ive considered smoothing but i dont have access to cad software that is compatible with Abaqus right here right now.
"Clutter" is mainly related to things i still have to add to the model. And, of course, i already have the...
hi rstupplebeen!
here it is:
Its massive but as i said these are orphan meshes and i did not want to delete any part.
Thank you so much for your help!
Sorry, rstupplebeen, ive just seen your message.
There are orphan meshes in my model that come from previous analysis. And I cannot upload even split zip files of the .inp here.
I see youre in the Yahoo group. I can send it to you there if thats ok with you. Please let me know.
Thank you!
hi Mechfeeney,
I guess the file is too big for ENGINEERING.com coz i get an error message.
i could put it in dropbox but id need an email address...
Let me know what youd prefer!
Dear all,
I'm trying to model contact in the following case:
an irregular cylinder, 2 parallel plates, one on top and one below the cylinder; the one below has 0 displacements prescribed and the one on top is subject to a traction force; the edge of the cylinder is encastred (to the wall...
Dear all,
im having trouble when putting parts together before contact and wonder if anyone out there can help! The idea of "nudging" them together, using displacemente BC has been mentioned here but i can't make it work!
I'm working in A/Standard. I have 2 parts, one rigid and one non-rigid...
hi MechIrl!
I'm using 6.9-3, and theres no option to save as .stl. I'll try to get the 10 version. I'm in a Imaging group, so we don't have access to packages like catia or Pro/E...
I (guess) I could place the tumour in the image, segment the whole structure (in Mimics or Seg3D) and mesh it...
Dear all,
I know this has been asked here before, but, has anyone found a way to get the geometry out of a 3D orphan mesh?
I'm working on Biomechancs, get the images from a Magnetic Resonance Image, can mesh the structure somwhere else but need to add a tumour to simulate its effect.
hi ppl!
I've created a tiny volume and the area around it by cutting a cube around the volume. I defined sets before meshing and there was no problem with meshing both.
When I add the constraint that the volume is embedded in the host, I get error messages "1532 nodes on an embedded element do...