Thank you Epoisses ,I check Axen Catalog ,They have two diffrent beds gaurds for Hg & As .
In US patent 4962272 ,lead oxide catalyst have been recomended for COS & As.Are you know any company to produce the catalyst?
JGC & UOP has a process for removeing Hg & As.Is there any one has detail...
My question is related to As & Hg & total sulfur removal from ethane gas. Ethane Feed has above impurity and should be routed to Olefin plant (the feed flow rate is 180,000Kg/hr), therefore all impurity should be removal before the plant.I know they should be removed by...
I am going to design a caustic wash tower in ehtylene plant.Is there any one help me to find kenetic formula of the reaction between CO2 and NAOH.
Thank you
Hi,Please help me.My question is related to following abbreviation:
6N6,5N10,mbP7 and sbP7.
Are there any boady know what is the above component for each abbreviation?
Best regards
Joerd,thanks for replying to me.
There is one point for me.where the return line should be connected ,inlet or outlet of heat exchanger,I think to outlet line of heat exchanger.In this case it seams pressure drop of back pressure valve should be considered 1 bar.Please clarify.What is...
Is there any one to has experience of weir installation citeria on sea water net work,my means when weir should be installed in ney work? and is it possible to consider vacuume breaker instead of weir? I will be thanks to reply me as soon as possible.
Best regards
Hi zoobie and pmover thank you and i am sorry i couldn't describe my problem.I have two problems.first,Hydrate formation or freezing on tray and second hydrate formation
in cold box.
pmover i confirm you that the wet feed is natural gas but the feed enter to De-ethanizer not De-methanizer...
Zoobie ,Thank you to response me.
My problem related to hydrate formation in low temp.( -12'c top of de-ethanizer tower).The plant feed is wet but two dryers(one work & one regeneration with 12hour cycle) and one moisutre analyzer had considered before tower .but If the dryer couldn't work true...
I must evaluate ice formation possibility in de-ethanizer tower.Could any one to help me to find ice formation tempreature in 18.7 kg/cm2g.I will be thanks.
Thank you from everyone to replay me.
TDK2 has true idea about the indirected fire heater system.
I want to determine the volume of ethylen glycol as one of the chemical for the proposal step ,there for in need to estimation of chemical consumption ,but i couldn't find vendor or a good vendor...
Salty crude should be heated before desalting unit up to 69'C .Indirect fired heater is used as crude heater.The bath of the heater is water- ehylene glycol(50%).
I need to estimate the value of ethyene glycol as bath in start-up and losses during normal operation.
Is there design criteria for...
Hi Please help me:
I want to estimate ethylene glycol (50%) consumption for indirect fire heater.Design duty of fire heater is 19.2 MMBtu/hr.Is there any one to help me for calculation?
thank you .
Hi,every body ,please help me.
My question is about rough estimation for Stack lenght of fire heater that is used for pre-heating of crudeoil.Heater rating is 5320 KW.
Thank you .
Dear David
thank you for your attention in this see The objective of the control of crude oil pipeline pump system is two folds:to keep the discharge below the maximum pressure for which the pipe is rated and to prevent the suction pressure from dropping below thw net positive...
Hi,is there any one to help me for selection of control valve type.The control valve should be installed on 24 inch Crude pipeline.Maximum diffrential pressure for control valve is 3 bar .Is there any standard for the control valve selection? I am really thankful.
Dear Reena1957
Thank you for reply.There aren't any block valves and control valve and other isolation valves for compressor .
The fluidisation gas are circulated same as reformer recycle gas and in these cases, Anti-surge line isn't necessary.
Best regards
Thank you from every one to replay me.My case is as follow:
***The single stage compressor is used for providing of fluidisation gas,and the service fluid is hydrocarbon(Ethylene40%,Ethane6.%,Butene 17%, hydrogen 7%, Nitrogen30%)and normal Flowrate is 25700 m3/hr and DP is 2.2 bar.
There are...
I am thankful from every one to response me .I found the following point in IPS-750(Iranian petrochemical standard)that it seems anti-surge line isn't necessary always according to API617 .what do you think about this point?
****** The head-capacity characteristic curve shall rise...
Hi-everybody Please to answer me :Anti surge line should be considered for centrifugal compressor or not?If the anti surge line didn't considere ,what is recomendation for preventing from surge.
Thank you.