We are going to get an engineer to come out and look at it, give us some quotes to replace all of the manifolds etc... Latexman, yeah I don’t know why they put that 45 to the suction of the problem pump.. There’s really a lot of bastard issues here with the entire process... I appreciate the...
Thanks for the website info Pierre... hell I guess it could be gas then... I assumed we pumped too much of the liquid for it gas off in the process lines and since the tank is vented, the gas would escape at the tank.
There’s only one engineer here at the plant and he’s electrical... just look past the duct tape pipe support Latexman lol. There’s a lot of eye sores in that manifold..... so I got to work today at 5:30pm. The pump hasn’t lost prime yet. Ambient temps are around 68 or so... what’s strange is 10...
Don1980, I entertained the idea of gas-off during summer ambient temps, but I have to bleed air during much cooler ambient temps as well, 35-60F. I really think it’s just a poor design and there’s some strange things happening that don’t really make sense to me.
There are vents for all six pumps, it makes no difference if it’s vented or not. If you look closely, you can see an air bubble in the clear discharge line coming off of the vessel. I don’t understand how that’s even there given the head pressure of the liquid. The skid is very questionable as...
Edstainless: I understand hypo will gas off at 95*F, but in the summer months, we might move 350-500 gallons of hypo in 24 hours, to multiple tanks and those pumps don’t loose prime. It seems like we move too much fluid for it to gas off. I’ve shot the OD of the piping with a temp gun, in the...
Good Evening. Im a Production Technician at a small power plant in Texas. My background is in I&E but due to staffing, we are required to operate the plant as well. We bring in raw water through a 36” pipeline to be used as cooling water, service water and demineralized water for steam. We have...