Hi VE1BLL, thanks for your comment.
I want to sense cell phones, bluetooth and wireless connections working on the 800 MHz to 2.4 GHz band. As far as i know, all this devices work with omnidirectional antennas so "isotropic" sources wont be a problem. What is the best solution (or the problems)...
Thanks so much Mac, that was exactly what i was talking about. I was wondering if the speed of the changes in the frequency hops could be too much for the PIC to detect them. So you think i wont have problems if i use the PIC12F675? I just need to digitalize the DC signal, then save them for a...
Thanks again for your answer Mac.
Since I will work in the 2.4 GHz, I will be sensing Wireless Access Points (WAP) using the 802.11b and 802.11g standards. This devices use FHSS and DSSS modulation techniques. This frequency hops occur really fast and each one of them has information about the...
Hi again guys, thanks for your answers, i do appreciate it.
macgyver: i only care about power densities so i dont need a high speed microcontroller. my real problem about that is that i dont want to lose information so i would have to use the appropriate microcontroller. this will be the first...
Hi guys,
I am building a sensor network to detect devices in the 800 MHz to 2.4 GHz band using the AD8361. Obviously we want to detect cell phones, bluetooth and wireless connections with our network and be able to see all the power density on the area. We designed an Archimedean spiral...