Hi all,
Does anyone know the answers to some of the questions below?
Are ‘pipeline license’ applications required to build a coal seam gas pipeline in Queensland? According to the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act and Regulation of 2004, a pipeline license is required.
- Does one...
Hi turbineair,
I've found some additional Electrical specifications that may help you below. Note these are for an oil and gas project and thus may not be pertinent, and also I do not guarantee the accuracy of my findings, good luck
• AS/NZS 2053 Conduits and Fittings for Electrical...
Hi all,
I'm going through the "Petroleum and Gas (Production & Safety) Act 2004". I believe this piece of legislation will be the answer to many questions. I've also come across a healthy amount of Australian Standards that may be of use to someone working in Oil and Gas. Kindly note that I...
Hello everyone,
I found the "Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate of Safety and Health Division", which specifies it is "responsible for regulating and monitoring safety in the gas and petroleum industries". I haven't looked further than that yet, but thought I'd share with everyone...
Hi hokie66,
Thank you for your reply. "upstream" meaning wellheads, production facilities (e.g. compressor stations), pipeline gathering systems. For example if we would like to build a pipeline here in Alberta we must apply to the 'board' for a pipeline license. Does such a thing exist in...
I work in Alberta, and here we have the ERCB to regulate the upstream oil and gas industry. Does anyone know if there is an equivalent regulatory body in Queensland, Australia? Or for Australia in general?
I believe you are referring to AS-3000. http://www.techstreet.com/standards/as_nzs/3000_2007_paperback_pdf_?product_id=1527571. I've been looking into what North American electrical/instrumentation components (oil and gas industry) require to be certified to Australian Standards.
So far I've...