Well, the system is a bit complicated, but I'll have final results in a few weeks. Our components group had a spreadsheet that was modified for this project. What I came up with was a final system using 2 90-degree miter boxes and 3 shafts (2 are collapsible). The steering column feeds...
Ok, here's the question for all of you that I'm struggling to answer. The vehicle I'm currently working on is of a cab forward design, where the axles are all behind the cab. I'm trying to find equations which can be used to help me determine the phasing angles required in the system.
There are quite a few manufacturers of these bevel boxes. Do you have an idea which one(s) you're looking at? We've used bevel boxes in our steerings systems on military vehicles for over 20 years. Though I've only been here about 6 months, I don't recall seeing any issues with such a set up.