ITSStuff. Please excuse my lack of knowledge. I believe that no light can pass through high strain carbon fiber tubing with 1-3 mm thick wall, with which where the device is house in. But thank you for our help and ideas. I am sorry that I am not able to disclose more detail of the device...
Hi IRStuff,
Thank you for your advice. The reason the reed switch was chose is due to physical, weight and power. The device ideal weight inclduing the battery should not exceed 20 grain (1 grain = 1/700 lbs). My next upcoming device shuold weight only 15.5 grain. The device have to...
thanks for the ideas. My lawyer said I need to find technical help from EE or sort indication that in my device's operation, a EE would indded use a reed switch. (The one who is skill at the art would consinder it obvious) which would make his patent claim 7 invalid. So, may I ask...
That is what I thougth origially, Keith. But I am being given court paper for I also used a reed switch and a magent. All is different. Electrontics approach, size, shape and weight. But the claim said he patented the device using reed and magent thus I violate his patent. My device is more...
I had design a device that involve a mini circuit that use a reed switch. After all is said and done, I am told due to patent law I CANNOT use a magnet as a actuator. I need a THING that is reasonably cheap that can activate a reed switch. The current design call for a 0.5" diameter by 0.125"...