I am checking off "Wetted Area" and entered a velocity under the outlet tab on a Pond which defines an underground galley infiltration system
I am getting Error #530 which is "Wetted Area Required with Exfiltration Velocity"
I thought the program calculated the wetted area automaticlly based...
I realize that the exfiltration outlet is within a Pond Node in Hydrocad. I would like to utilze the side wall of an underground galley infiltration system. However when I check off the box for wetted area in the exfiltration devise area there is not a spot to enter the value for the wetted...
I am designing an underground infiltration system and want to utilize sidewall discharge under wetted perimeter and exfiltration under outlets. When I click off wetted perimeter, there is no option to enter it and I am getting an error. Is the wetted perimeter option under a separate dialog box?