BTW, The main reason why I picked UHDPE is because its the only poly I have found that comes in the size I need.
Size: 1600mm x 2000mm x 50mm.
We have a good design that needs 50mm as a minimum thickness.
Yes they will de-shoe before they are allowed in. Bronze you say? Thats got me curious now. Thanks mate. Do you think it would not inter-fear with our scans?
I was leaning toward making the top out of a 50mm thick slab of ultra high density polyethylene but am now looking at alternatives because...
Hi folks. I would like to ask for any advise as to a suitable material to make a large table for MRI scanning.
One of the important specifications the table must meet is, It must be 100% anti magnetic to 1.5t.
1000 kg max load. Just as important is going to be image quality.
I have considered...