Thanks BJC. I think 400 could apply. And no it does not pass the common sense test. I can't believe he is actually being this stubborn about it. BUt it all comes down to money doesn't it. :(
I am getting increasingly tough these days.
Thank you both for your assistance. I guess my best NEC support is the the Physical Damage Protection. That would at least get it into conduit. My concern is that the cable may have been damaged by the tight bending radius. But I may have to just accept that and cross my fingers.
PS I like...
A contractor has installed the integral motor/pump leads with practically no bending radius and no supports. Approxiamately 14 feet of 250kCM 600V cable is DANGLING from a mezzanine support (were the disconnect is located). (About 7 feet veritcal and 7 feet horizontal just hanging around.)...