If you edit BOTH of the files I mentioned above, and use the THREAD tool to add symbolic or physical threads, the callout appears as I would like. This is a little cumbersome, as it is way easier to use the hole tool, specify a point in a sketch, and select all of your parameters. Using...
I can confirm that it is using the directory that contains the file I am modifying:
UGII_THREADED_HOLE_STANDARD_DIR C:\Siemens\NX11\ugii\modeling_standards
I also came across this file:
UGII_ENGLISH_THREADS C:\Siemens\NX11\ugii\thd_english.dat
But modifying that also produces...
I am looking to customize the hole callout function in NX 11 - I have searched around but not found QUITE what I am looking for...
We like to specify our threaded holes as decimal diameter-pitch, for example .375-16 UNC-2B, versus 3/8-16 UNC-2B. Is there a file that the hole callout pulls it's...