Hi there,
I need to use Amplitudes (I'm using Tabular type) and Mapped Fields in a simulation that I'm working on.
The problem is that I don't know exactly how the field 'Amplitude' in the 'Edit Amplitude' Window works. The same happen with the 'Field Value' in the 'Create Mapped Field'...
I found the solution. I changed the edges selected in end1Edges from the ones in end2Edges and it works. I don't really know why, but it works for me.
Hi there,
I need to know how to change the direction of the BIAS meshing, but I need to know how to write it on Python. When I do it from the CAE, in the .jnl there is no difference. Any idea?
The line that I get from the .jnl refered to BIAS meshing is...
I need to know how to use an output data (temperature in this case) from a previous job as a initial PredefinedField in next job in Abaqus. I need to do it 400 times, so I'm doing it with a Python Script. The only difference between jobs is that I delete one little part after each job...
I must be doing something wrong. In the message area is written that 'Abaqus Warning: The C:/SIMULIA/Temp/Taladro_Job5.odb file will be used', so it is obvious that is going in to the file, but it's not getting the values properly because the result is the same weather I make the program going...
Ok, I've solved it. I had to delete all predefined temperatures from first job. The problem that I have now is that I have to do this like 100 times. And the number of increment of each job is different. One job does 56 and another 40 for example. And I need to call the last increment from last...
Thanks for your help.
I don't have too much Python knowledge so what I do is to work from the GUI, and then take the script from the .jnl that Abaqus automatically do when you save.
I'm doing these steps:
1. Go to the Load module and choose "Predefined Field --> Create".
2. In the "Create...
I need to know how to say to Abaqus to save the values of a temperature of the last instant from last job. This way, in the next job I'll be able to use that output data as initial boundary condition. Also, in between jobs I have to eliminate that last part, but I've already done this in...
I need to make some simulations of a wall drilled in 2D on Abaqus. I need to know if is there any possibility to apply heat flux, and then eliminate a partition, all in the same job. I've been looking in the 'Steps' but I don't find the way.
Thanks in advance.
I do know how to parameterice the coordinates for the deepness, but I do not know how to do it for for example the name of the job, that should be changing like: job1, job2, job3... Also, I need to know how to do it with the Model name. Do you know what I mean?
Thanks for your reply. The problem is that I don't know how to do a loop and I don't know how to name parameters to the depth information. Do you know any example I could use to see how it is done?
Hi there,
I need some help with a project that I am involved in. It is the study of the heat transfer of a drilling. I need to make a script that make a simulation of the heat transfer while the drill goes into the piece. (See the image to understand)
I have already done the first simulation...