Considering all aspects, we are working on three lines at the same time.
First, some modifications on the mechanical design. The final shape is going to be rather odd, but the width of the end plates will be reduced so that they will be better cooled. Considering stainless steel with an...
Frankly, I'm afraid our budget could not afford a rhodium plating. These zones are 5 m x 0.017 m.
Presently we are thinking on using stainless steel instead of A-387-91 for all the side membranes. Starting from an absorptivity coefficient of 0.4 (machine rolled), the first problem is to state...
Well guessed, yes it is for a solar receiver.
In this case, added to the problem of low absortion required on some small non-cooled surfaces we probably cannot rely on any paint, as these surfaces may be scratched by other parts' expansions. If we could state a reliable value for A-387-91...
Substrate materials are steels A-283-B and A-387-91.
We are trying to reduce concentrated sunlight absorption on non-cooled surface edges. Air will be only at 60ºC, it is the steel that can reach 600-700ºC due to radiation. Tubes are going to be painted black with Pyromark, but there are some...
I would appreciate any suggestion about a commercial paint having low absorptivity (less than 0.3), high emmisivity (if possible) and being able to be used for an application at about 700ºC.
Many thanks in advance. Best regards.
Vicente Olmos
For a special plant we need to use 45-bar steam to warm up a steam drum and to charge steam accumulators. It seems to exist some problem to find steam injectors for such pressure (SpiraxSarco catalogue ends at 17 bar). Do you know who could supply such equipment?. Regards and TIA.
We are in the process of choosing a right steel for a singular application. Really, it wouldn't be special (it is just producing saturated steam at 60 bar inside tubes) but in this case we have to deal with very high metal temperatures (about 600ºC = 1100 ºF). The responsible of these...