Thanks for the input. Our regulating authority does not directly address flow equalization or tankage. Therefore, we defer to the 10-state standards.
The WWTP currently operates with two headworks pumps which do not have vfds. Therefore they are pushing full flow or no flow into the...
Thanks for the information. Are there any design criteria with regards to an equalization basin? I am interested in bottom configuration and baffling. I have been reading Metcalf and Eddy. Are there any other aspects one should be concerned with? Additonally, we are considering an above...
We are working on an equalization basin for a 0.35 MGD WWTP. I have come up with the theoretical value, (40,000 gal) but all the literature I have read says to increase that number by 10-40%. How does one decide on the appropriate factor? Additionally, at what point should aeration of the...
I am sizing an equalization basin for a 0.35 mgd wwtp and have obtained the theoretical value. All the literature I have read says to increase that value by 10 to 40%. Any ideas on how one goes about determining that number? Also, at what point should we consider aeration of the basin?