I need to know if the following is a valid train of thought. Current philosophy states that in a data center each watt of electricity is converted to a watt of heat. You then use this for load calulations. I have noticed that with the Hitachi Tagmastore there are a lot of hard drives. These...
Thank you to everyone for their speedy replys. The main reason for my post was I have a primary-secondary loop. The calculation for the secondary loop , using an ultrasonic meter permanently attached to the piping, is approximately 96 tons. If I apply the same formula to the primary loop, I get...
I am trying to work out if you can use the rule of thumb formula for tonnage when using 40% glycol.
ton = gpm X delta T / 24. This is translated to
ton = gpm X delta T X 500 / 12000 or
ton = gpm X delta T X Sp Gravity of fluid X Sp Heat of fluid X 60 / 12000
Well for water every thing is great...
Could someone tell me if the following assumption can be made ? If the building takes in outside air at 55 degF / 60% RH which has 38.52 gr/lb moisture, I can then assume if this air is heated to 70 degF, it will have 35.35% RH, because the moisture content remains the same.