sorry, while finding the thermal stress, it will not be just multiplication of strain by elastic modulus of concrete. Stress-strain relationship for cocrete being non-linear, you will have to find out the stress corresponding to that strain from graph. Once stress known, find out the reinforcement.
If the load on the wall is less than design load then the cracks could be because of temp variation. If taken the temperature difference as 40 deg celsius, the expansion legth for 47 feet comes out to be 6.7 mm. Assuming the width of visible cracks as 0.1 mm, yoy may find around 65 visble cracks...
what if i have a beam consisting of two channels spaced apart about 300 mm with intermittant plates welded at top and bottom? The beam is laterally supported at the ends. Now what shoud be the effective length of compression flange for the calculation of allowable flextural stress?
I think as...
Modelling the slab with plate element, though accurate, would be tedious. STAAD has one nice provision for this in MASTER SLAVE constraint. Use this constraint to account for slab rigidity without modelling the slab.