I am looking for alignment checksheets for both close coupled and pulleys. I can find procedures all over the net but no checksheets. These sheets can be generic. My boss is even willing to pay, though probably not much.
Thanks 1969grad,
I have learned alot about the bolts and torqueing. Lubricant, washers, torque wrenches, hydraulic tensioning, gaskets, etc... I just wanted to make sure I don't pull a bolt so hard that I damage my flange.
Thanks again all.
Thanks jt,
So it sounds like that if my J factors are both less than 1 I can probably torgue to 45000 or 60000 psi given all other conditions are amenable.
I appreciate both your comments. PSI was a tired typo. I used X-calcs to run the calcs with the dimensions from the fab drawing and the results were Wm1 = 612.2 klbs and Wm2 = 353.7 klbs, but later in the results section the W for operating is 612.2 klbs and the W for gasket seating is shown...
I have been searching and searching and I am not sure I have the correct answer. So here are the conditions:
Flange matl: SA-105 Integral flange, Wall matl: SA-516-70
We are using B7M (100% Hardess tested bolts) 80000 psi.
68 bolts X 1" 8 UNC
Flange dimensions (in):(appendix 2 nomemclature)...
Having crossed the great divide between engineering and law (I don't know what that means but it is a good starting setence for something)
I still have a couple months of law school left and one thing I have learned is that it is as illegal to practice law without a license as it is to practice...