Googling around I came across this r/c car transmission:
It appears to be 3 sets of gears with different ratios all engaged with one another. the small gears go to a clutch to the motor, but the bigger gears are more interesting
I can't figure out how it works...
@occupant, thanks!
so force with an extra 58% pressure, plus a little bit of slush for friction and such gives you the ideal pressure to use for a given load.
Logically I was thinking that max accepted CV for a cylinder would be equal to the max a tube of the same size could hold (so for a...
So, just an exercise really, but something ive been mulling over.
Lets stick with round numbers, I have a pneumatic cylinder which needs to move a 10 lb load at the cylinder, and 4" stroke is required, the system has a flow rate of 40cv, and 200psi so there's your supply.
Now the question is...
@mike: there would be either 2 sets of teeth, or a guide to guide the chain past itself in its final iteration (or straight machining a sprocket in a spiral pattern), I'm not overly worried about the chain folding over itself since it works in the prototype, this was largely a math question...
Easy picture example
A pneumatic piston pulls back on a tray, which has chain attached to either end, wrapped around a sprocket, causing a shaft to rotate.
My thought is that if I offset the shaft and turn the sprocket into a sort of cam, I can increase low end torque and high end velocity...