we are trying to Communicate thru rslinx with a Compact Logix Controller, with NO succeses, we have used about every type of Driver Possible DF1 - TCP/IP Etc,
RsLinx see's the Controller But RSLinx Says it doesnt know what type of Controller it is, Is there anything we can try or Does Anyone...
the Code that worked GREAT for 4 days then WHAM Nothing but error's >>??? what up ("PULLING HAIR")
'Using DDE Animate for TAG values
Dim objExcel As Object
Dim sExcelFilePath As String
Dim ExcelWasNotRunning As Boolean
Set objExcel = GetObject(...
Running a RS-View VBA Program After 4 Days it has Worked Pefectly. then one day All of a sudden were getting
"can't find Project or Library when any Subroutine Runs. ("help") Code in next tHREAD