There's a turbine spinning at 30RPM, with 18,200Nm torque. This is normal for this turbine. There's a gearbox leading to a generator. The input from the turbine into the gearbox is where the brake is positioned. It takes 4 seconds for the brake to stop the turbine. My questions is, what is...
Thanks for quick replies so far.
The 3 supported edges (bottom and sides) will be supported along their entire length and will be bolted (i.e. prevented from moving). The water will only come up to 1150mm of the entire 2000mm height of the plate.
I will check out the moody rectangular plates...
I'm trying to calculate the worst case bending of a simple flat plate, which would be used to hold back a head of water. It will be fixed within an open channel at the sides and bottom and submerged up part of it's height.
The dimensions are:
Plate Height: 2000mm
Plate Width: 2150mm