Could be inadequate rinsing, but this is sheet metal (1"x1" to 15'x3') how much fluid could they hold, the holes are < 1/16" thick on average. Parts are rinsed with spray for min of 30sec (checking for water breaks) then submerged for 3-5min Maybe I can post a picture of it our typical...
thanks for the ideas, really appreciated
The stripes sometimes appear to 'run' from the holes, Not always thou, so I'm not even sure if the holes are involves or not, most of our parts have holes so it's difficult.
After the parts are routed and drilled most are heat treated in our salt...
Having some Tiger stripe issues with my alodize process. Has anybody out there had these problems? I can't be the first. Various material types, various process times, various rakes and raking methods, Same part same day -> different out come. Seems to more frequent on larger parts...