Most likely, you are using a library/dll/control that has been updated in XP. So when you recompile on the XP machine, it compiles with the newer version and runs correctly. If you need the code to run on different OS's, try using the most recent version of the file in question on all systems...
You can compare the value in a cell to a set value and then have it trigger the routine to add to an order or not:
If Cells(row, column).Value > SomeNumber
Do Something
ElseIf Cells(row, column).Value < Then
Do SomethingElse
End If
I was having the same problem - the trick is, that you can't place a title until after the chart is made:
'--- Create a chart
Set Or1Chart = Charts.Add
Or1Chart.ChartType = xlColumnClustered
Or1Chart.Location xlLocationAsNewSheet
Or1Chart.Name = "Orlando 1 Chart"
'--- Insert a...