Thanks for the link to the standards. Will check it out.
re: 802.11 channelization
See table 105, table 111, & fig 141 in 802.11b.
802.11g references the channelization defined in 802.11b.
With only 3 channels in the 802.11g standard and needing all three, I have to use adjacent channels.
The specs are not in the public domain. I do have access to draft copies of 802.11a, b, & g.
I've requested customer referrals from the vendor but have received nothing yet. I am really...
I'm working on linking four offshore oil platforms with bridged point-to-point 802.11g links. 802.11g says radios must have at least 4 dB adjacent channel rejection (ACJ) for not more than 10% packet error rate (@36 Mbps data rate). I have measured an ACJ of 11 dB. System gain is 99 dB so I...