Still using NX 1892 for now. I see that "Measure Body" is to be retired, I know that I can use the "Measure" command to get the mass of solid bodies. The problem is that it doesn't list the density so I can quickly verify it is correct. How can I display the current density of selected bodies...
I have downloaded cast from GTAC site (CASTNX80Update64bit). Is it possible to install and run locally on a pc? I ran the setup and everything seemed to install correctly, but when i start the index file most of the links seem to be broken.
Trying the other settings under "Text Pos Vert" which are "above", "outside" & "JIS", just puts the text above the leader line. I'm starting to think it's not possible with this version, hopefully a newer version will off a setting.
Other than adding a space to a multi line dimension, is there anyway to get the leader to line up with the top portion of the text? I'm using Autocad 2009.
Since we upgraded to 7.5 about a month ago, I have been sparadically getting an error message "FR_PSMARK received CFI error opening a file. When I try to save an assembly file, I'll receive the error. It appears it actually saves the assembly file, but does not remove the modified flag, because...
I changed the settings so that "Part Preview" was checked on and the "Model View Preview" was checked off, and the save time was very quick. What would the Model Preview be used for?
I will experiment with the different preview settings when I get a chance. I may have jumped the gun a little, we are in the process of converting to a new server.
I did experience the move components "by constraints" being disabled today. I check the settings as posted above, the "Delay...
Ok thanks. If it continues to be a problem, I will follow up on your suggestion.
On a separate note, these same assemblies were taking a very long time to save (over 5 minutes). Someone suggested I turn off the "save with preview" feature (not sure of exact name, not at work) and the same...
I was just getting ready to post that it hasn't happened all day, then it just now happened.
It happens before and/or after I select a component, and on different asm's.
Once it's inactive, it stays that way until I reload the asm.
I thought assembly constraints still worked after the "by...
It is inactive, clicking it does nothing. There are just a few permanent constaints, nothing overridden.
Just to be clear, I am talking about the temporary constraits used during the "move component" command. When the "by constraints" option is greyed out, the system will still let me use...
We just upgraded to NX 7.5. When I open a new asm., I have the ability to move component by contraints, after a period of time, the "by contraints" option becomes greyed out. If I close and reopen the asm., the function is restored.
It seems that maybe the system is running out of resources or...