It's 33 354 432.
I'm running a heat transfer analysis and I noticed that it happens in the cooling step where I have some fortran code in USDFLD. I've got an expression with powers of fractions and I think that's the root of the problem. But I've double checked everything and all seems to be in...
Hi Xerf,
happy new year.
You're right, the meshing is ok. That kind of solves all the problems because when assemblying the piece, now I can visualize everything as it it should be.
Yes, I'm working with dimensions of the order of 10^-5. Actually I have already changed everything else in my...
I'm using V6.5-4, I tried setting Curve Refinement (under View - Part Display Options) to Extra-Fine, but still no success. Was that what you were refering to? If not, could you tell me how to set the rendering to high quality?
Are you using the same version of abaqus?
Thanks for your help
I'm working with a model that has really small parts, of about 40 microns. Using Abaqus 6.3 I can easilly sketch them and everything works fine, but with abaqus 6.5 it's impossible to have a detail finer than 1mm.
I know that abaqus uses "dimensionless units", but in order to work in SI...
I'm having a problem when trying to view the results of a particular simulation in abaqus viewer.
I can see the results when I launch the viewer while the simulation is still running (it's got 60 steps), but after it finishes when I try to plot the contours it shuts down with an error...
I was using abaqus 6.3-1, but now I'm using abaqus 6.5-4 and in this version it is possible to merge parts in the assembly module. Basically it allows you to mesh two different parts as if they were only one and avoid having to estabilish tie constraints between the interfacing surfaces...
Thanks Corus, you've really helped me a lot.
I'm running a heat transfer analysis, and in fact, the temperature is smoothly continuous across the interface, BUT the heat flux is not, which still strikes me as strange. I guess the *TIE is imposing an equal temperature at the contacting nodes but...
The situation I'm trying to model must seem a little trivial, instead of using two instances I could use a single part twice as big.
Actually, I hope to arrive at a model that allows me to simulate the deposition of molten particles on top of a substrate of the same material. After depositing...
I was looking at the contours, but I was applying a homogeneous thermal load at the bottom surface, so the isothermals were straight lines paralel to the contacting interface and I could only have a suspicion that something was not right.
Then I applied a concentrated heat flux (thermal...
Thanks for helping.
Corus, I think your suggestion solved my problem. It took me a while to do it because the contacting surfaces I was trying to tie were not the same size, and I was getting an error message saying the assembly was not consistent. I then tried with two similar surfaces and I...
Thanks for replying.
The problem is not steady state and I'm using standard. Also, I'm using CAE and inputing the heat as a thermal load into the bottom surface of the lower part. Actually I apply the thermal load during the first two steps and let it cool off for 5 or 6 smaller steps because I...
I'm trying to model a thermal problem where I have a shape that I have built by composing instances of two different parts designed in abaqus CAE, so that one part rests on top of the other.
I want to heat up the base of the lower part and have the heat conducting into the upper part. I...
I'm trying to model a process of material deposition into a substrate. My analysis is composed of several steps where I activate different blocks with *MODEL CHANGE,ADD, ie. in step 1 I activate a certain cubic element set
, step 2 the adjacent one, and so forth untill I get a small wall...
Hi Ankur!
Thank you for the information about the scripting. I've started reading the abaqus scripting manual, but just like you I'm new to both abaqus and python and at this point I'm afraid I'm not much help.
At this particular moment I'm going through the abaqus CAE tutorials because, up...
Hi ankurnaik,
you're right, you shouldn't restrict the temperature to 1600ºC, because heat is still input into the melt pool. But you said you have temperatures of about 5000ºC and that is past the boiling temperature of titanium... so that could be a problem.
As for the phase change problem...
have you had any progress regarding your problem?
I am modeling a laser powder deposition process in titanium and I have the exact same problem as you do.
Right now I am activating elements as the process goes along, but everything is predefined in the geometry of the input file...