I have a conductor onto which some long centralisers strips are due to be tack welded. I have looked at DNV RP C203 and it seems to suggest that an F class weld detail should be used for attachments on the surface of stressed members. My problem is that this appears to be the fatigue detail...
Also, one last thing, does any one have a reference for a code or standard that would advise this approach. All I need is one sentence that says, for bolting through an RHS use a pipe sleeve. Again, thanks alot for the help.
Thanks for your help. Just to make sure I know what you mean. Your talking about pipe running across the hollow section (in the direction the bolts are in) in order to stiffen it, right? Is it feasible for someone to weld inside an RHS, all be it quite close to the end?
Essentially a 450x250x16 RHS is going to fit inside a 500x300x25 fabricated RHS, so it's designed to be pretty snug! We then have six M36 bolts running through the connection.
It's also worth mentioning that this structure is designed to be placed on the back of a boat so the connection can't...
Hi all,
Basically I'm looking for some help on bolting through a RHS. The connection I need help with is essentially a sleeve connection, one RHS fitting inside another and secrued with 6 bolts. Due to dimesional limits (i.e. it has to fit inside a standard 40ft container) we can't just use a...