Here this place was an investment to put us through old folks assistance or whatever, ya know?
(Insert explitive here. A couple times.)
The developer signed off to the city.
And now a different realtor is selling the properties. Or planned to until I decided to start with all of...
I can check on some of these.
Yes, we are in a lower spot than some other parts of town, but similar houses across the street are pumping far less than even 1/2 what we are.
There are drain tiles, I guess is what you want to know. They come through into the sump bucket about 4-inches below the...
No decimal slip here.
One sump pump is cycling every 25 seconds, the other every 32. They expell 3.5 gallons per cycle.
I'm no scientist, but, even doing the rough math......
Yes, this is our house. When we first saw it February of 2007, we had a flash thaw, so of course the water was running...
I'm quite new here, so please bear with me...
Are any of you familiar with the recommended distance between groundwater levels & basement flooring?
I live in Fox Lake, Wisconsin if that helps.
I think the builder nicked into an artesian well the DNR orderd capped & it's running through our...