Hello RotaryW
For my question about torsional analysis of compressor skid.
Case 1: If run the separately analysis using only engine excitations, then run the analysis using only compressor excitations (and then combine the results).
Case 2: If run whole system (compressor-coupling-engine)...
Dear All,
In case for torsional anaysis of gas compressor. The result of torsional analysis when you analysis whole system compare with separately analysis of each equipment(compressor, coupling ,engine). Result as same isn't it?
Please suggest
Best Regards
Dear All
I have question about design of fire water pump in Hangar NFPA 409
Refer from hydrauliac calculation, system is designed 6000 GPM @ 7 barg. So vendor select both pump, 3,000 GPM for each pump. But in my understand, the system should design for 6000 GPM for each pump or not?