Thanks for your responses.
I guess I should have described the scenario better. I work at a Nuke plant. The actuator we are speaking about is a safety-related device. There is a volume tank and a check valve associated with this valve. The check valve isolates the volume tank and actuator...
I am trying to determine how many scfm are required to stroke an actuator that came with an ITT Hammel Dahl 8" valve. The old vendor manual I have doesn't give this information. It does say that it is a 200 in^2 diaphram with a 3.5 in stroke. But I really nead to know the scfm required...
Grounding at the Panel end of the signal cable is not something that is strictly adhered to. I do recommend it though. I have seen cases where people grounded at the instrument end of the cable, but failed to recognize that what they thought was a legitimate ground was actually isolated from...
The Emergency Stop should also be a hard wired stop. Pushing the E-stop should deenergize a coil in the motor starter or switchgear and open the breaker as opposed to a soft stop, which would be an input to a PLC or other controller which would trigger a software output to stop the motor.