Thanks for the additional responses. My concern with heave is that my new foundation wall is connected into existing, so there could be cracking due to differential movement. Regarding protecting it over the winter, I am a bit confused now. Straw cover I thought was the universal "way', now I am...
Thanks, DRC1 and fndn for your helpful replies. Now if I choose to backfill after the thaw (likely 3 months from now), is there potential for frost heave and therefore damage to my footings or even walls due to extended exposure to very low temps? Is filling the ditch with straw a viable option...
My contractor just completed the foundation for my new home extension and installed french drain w/ 3/4" gravel cover. It's -15 Celsius and I am anxious to backfill but the piles of earth are too frozen for the small dozer to handle it (no room for a bigger one). Should I consider a geotextile...