Does anyone know about increasing the limiting speed of cylindrical roller bearings just by removing intercalated rollers from it? Is it a common thing?
I see that the basic dynamic load will decrease, but what happens with general tolerances? Why would it increase the limiting speed?
Does anyone know about a relief made in some taper spindle that makes easier the ejection of the tool in machine-tools?
With a relief like that is possible to have two points of contact, in the rear and in the front position of the taper profile. However there is no tip in the stardards for...
Does anybody knows or have heard about thrust calculation for spade drills? I know that spade drills requires more thrust then regular drills, but how much? For a diameter of 4" in medium carbon stell (1045, with 225 BHN, for example) how much would be the thrust? I will have to specify a...