Hi all!
I'm wondering if a Goertzel Algoritm can be implemented in a PIC microcontroler with ADC convertion...
What I would expect in terms of detection speed?
Can the Goertzel A. able to give us the streng of signal detected?
Any other ideias/opinions?
Thanks in advance.
Hi all,
That could be a stupid question...
In PIC's microcontroller family that have 2 Vss, they are the same point? Vss == to the other Vss?
I mean...
It could help me in the design of the PCB ...
but.. it will let good current flow??
Any one read about it in the datasheet?
well Vss its...
Hi thanks all for the replys.
Seams you are all right...
If I overclock it, it will be for a single time project.. or just some experiences... not for comercial stuff... its for my own use...
and.. when I tell overclock I mean... if the max clock of the PIC is 20Mhz for example.. so.. I will...
Hi all!
I'm thinking trying overclocking a PIC microcontroller,that is running it at a high clock rate...
What do you think? Have you tryed it too?
What problems can I have?
How much can I overclock it?
thanks all.
well... thanks a lot for your sugestions...
I will study that tips...
when I said
"a easy programming board"
I mean.. a microcontroler that dont need 'expensive' 'programming boards kits'...
like as I said 16f84 that we can make our own programmer board...
any way...
"melone (Electrical)
What is the application? "
well.. for simple,general aplications,robotics,learning,...
"Lewish (Electrical)
This topic has been covered many times on Eng-tips. Do a search here "
Sorry.. but I make that and I can't find any thing... I try shearch with...
Hi .. I was looking for a microcontroller that have a easy programming board that I can made one (like PIC16f84) ...
Or if you have some simple ways tips... ideas..