Did already somenone try to couple an abaqus umat with another FE code; Do you think it is a possible thing? or does ti absolutely need abaqus library
Has already someone try to couple an Abaqus UMAT with another FE code. Do you think it is a possible think or does it need to many abaqus libraries that we cannot really 'see'?
Yes, it's probably what i will do while defining the temperature of each node at each time increment. The abaqus support told me that:
"It is actually not unworkable, you need to write a miniscule database which reads the time into an array
and loads the temperatures on demand or on startup. If...
It is a magneto-thermal calculations that i could not run with Abaqus unfortunately! But by using the option *TEMPERATURE and then by fixing the temeprature of each node, how can i do that for every time increment?
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I would like to impose the thermal history from all the nodes of my mesh that result from another (non Abaqus) analysis. In other words, i've got a database with the temperature values of all the nodes at each time increments and i would loke to use it in order to run a mechanical...
Being a new abaqus user, i'm trying to model a welding process. In this way, i'd like to make the heat source moving on the welded surface. I think i have to use the Subroutine DFLUX. But, how do i make the heat source moving with time?
Denis Lassance