it is preferential attack (most probably ferrite) with carbonaceous iron oxide as corrosion product (analyzed by EDX). no welds involvment.
Frankly, we do not have data on the acid concentration since it was a phenomenon in vapour space of MED process. regarding impurities, i will come to you...
Dear All,
anyone faced selective attack on duplex 2205 in carbonic acid solution at temperature around 70 Celsius degree. thank you for your interaction.
excuse me, 7 m is the tunnel diameter. the pipe diameter will be about 4-5 m according to the project manager. they want to produce 250 MW as energy which corresopnd to high pumping capacity.
In fact, my question is regarding a pumped storage hydroelectricity project where the velocity reach such values. so we are starting to think what could be the materials candidates for pipes with diameters about 7 meters. may be we should think about high strenght metals with ceramic coating ...
Hi dear members,
i'm asking if there is a material (metallic, non metallic or hybrid) which can survive to a sea water velocity of 120 m/s ?
thanks for your comments
Hi all,
i have two questions for your kind help:
1- what are the industrial application of powder coating?
2- what about the repairing of powder coating ?