ok, so these are planar milling paths, and they probably do get changed from the new version when the parts are opened, never really thought about that, but we only noticed it when something in the path is changed and it gets regenerated. I don't have an option to open the files in NX 10 so...
so a few months ago we went from NX6 to NX9. the issue I have is in the non cutting moves menu, engage and retract tab, NX9 seems to change or maybe default the minimum clearance value to 50.0 percent of tool, this seems to override any value we have in the length area. this has actually caused...
Hi everyone, we recently upgraded from NX6 to NX9 and have noticed when we post our NC programs to various machines the post is changing our feed rates to IPM (G94) instead of our programmed IPR (G95) for all the rapid moves (it changes it back to G95 when the feed rate kicks in). Not really an...