I was planning on using HDPE pipe for GW collection.
The EPA's Chemical Compatibility Table says that HDPE is "Unsatisfactory" when Benzene is present.
Although I've been told that Benzene is the most common driver for gas station site remediation, and that HDPE is fairly common in that arena...
I guess it wasn't as simple as I thought.
It's in Mississippi.
It's above gound on supports in sunlight.
It's being pumped from sump to WW treatment facility (not sure what outlet connection will be).
For some reason the Plant wants Stainless instead of CS - they say it's more economical in the...
I know the size (2-inches)
I know the material (stainless steel)
I know the flow (very low - 5 to 10 gpm max)
I know the length (about 1000 feet)
I know the liquid (groundwater non-haz)
I just don't know what else I have to include for the design of this run (i.e. clean-outs/valves/other)...