Thanks for the suggestion Buggar. I have already tried to contact several companies dealing with underwater technology but I have never received any feedback.
If you are aware of a company that might be interested, please be so kind to let me know.
Thanks for the suggestion and for the company name PNachtwey.
Cleaning the interior of tanks and reservoirs was already considered as one of the usage possibilities (also mentioned in the article).
I'm aware of the opposing hydrostatic pressure which has to be subtracted from the pump exit pressure depending on the height. This pressure drop will be relatively small in comparison to the selected operating pressure.
I'm also aware of the pressure drop caused by the friction between the...
I'm happy that you like the idea.
There should be no torque around the axis of the hose if all of the units have their centers of gravity on the axis and if the jet is perpendicular to the axis. A small torque that is created when the nozzle is turned and when it is not perpendicular to the...
I have recently invented and patented a device for computer aided remote manipulation of the flexible hose. If I put it as simple as possible, it is actually a computer controlled and remotely guided flying hose driven by many separately controlled water jets, in general pointing downwards...