Engineering has already been done for the soldier beam and lagging wall. I am looking for a geotech (must be in California) and preferably from my area (Sierra Foothills) or circa Sacramento to hire for resolution regariding the issues we are having. (530)432-3353. Ask for John. He is the head...
Hi Jeff!
Thanks for the response! In answer to your questions, the specifics of the job are as follows:
The entire section to be retained is approx 40' long on the lowest side and 60' long on its highest side by 25'high. We are proposing to build a set of 3 walls. The first wall at the foot...
Perhaps someone can help me with this: I need to build a 4 foot retaining wall that, due to the instability of the soil being retained, I have been advised to use a soldier beam and lagging system. For a four foot wall I was told I do not "need" engineering however I was wondering if their were...