Thanks to all who have replied. What I have subsequently learned probably should have been intuitively obvious: a properly made overlap joint has less resistance per unit length than the bus it joins. A well-made joint is 'better' than a continuous run of bus.
Thanks -- I understand Ohm's Law, and how to get the data empirically. My questions was about predicting the resistance. Based on what I have learned today, it seems not to matter, because a well-made overlap joint (the sort I'm using) has a lower resistance than a similar length of...
Thanks for the lead. I didn't find that document on the US CDA page. I briefly browsed the article on joints at the UK site, and it looks as though it will be helpful.
Paul Matejcek
I am looking for advice on determining 'tyupical' busbar junction resistances. My applications run up to 50kADC. Usually minor losses aren't critical to me, but sometimes I need to be able to estimate what's going to happen every 12 feet when I bolt all that copper together. Any advice?