What is the difference between A106 body to A352 LCC body valves?
I know the working temperature of A352 is lower than A106 ... Is there something metallurgycal differences?
What is the difference between A106 body to A352 LCC body valves?
I know the working temperature of A352 is lower than A106 ... Is there something metallurgycal differences?
Dear 1969grad,
Thanks for your helpful advise...
Could you please write full notation of FBE?
than I'll try to find if it's available in my country or not?
Dear 1969grad,
The Renouard Equation is,
(P1)^2-(P2)^2= 48.6xdxLx(O)^1.82x(Di)^-4.82
where ,
P1 inlet pressure,bar
P2 outlet pressure,bar
d=gas fictive density app. 0.56
L=length of pipe,mt
Q=gas flow rate,mt3/hr
Di=inside pipe diameter,
and the criteria is V, velocity
dear td2k,
in my country we are not familiar with fiber glass insulated pipe and there is no company which involved with fiber glass insulation... I looked at the goggle and find some suppliers but they did not interested in...i think the amount of pipe is not sufficient for them.
thanks for...
Dear TD2K,
Flow rate is 3MMSCF/day.
Sp. Gr . is 0.65,
water coming out with gas from well is 2 bbl/day,
condansate coming out from well is 24 bbl/day,
well head pressure is 1650psig, pipeline length is 1650 ft,there is no elevation difference....
i did the calculations based on Reneuard...
How can ý calculate the pressure drop ýn raw gas pýpelýne?
I use Reneuard equation for sizig and ASME 31.3 for determining the wall thickness? Is ýt rýght or wrong?
Could you please recommend me?
I am working for a gas productýon and dýstrubýtýon company and have some dýffýcultýes wýth to understand the desýgn parameters of the vertýcal or horýzantal seperators... I have the GPSA book and ý dýd the calculatýons wýth the book but ý could not fýnd the same dýamensýons wýth the our...
Hello All,
Could somebody explain me what is the difference between "D Body" and "ET Body" valves? Where are they used? Which one is best for gas pressure controlling, which one suits liquid? How can they be sized and how can an engineer decide to put most suitable place...
In Stahlschlussel 50 Jahre book I could not find the ASME equivalent of these both steels. See page 250. Also it's written that they are simple pressure vessels steels.
But I know that 265 means 38425 psi yield strenght....But I'm not sure it is SMYS or what temp...