Interesting,... things I have read say that alum sludge can be problematic because it binds phosphorus, so extra fertilizer is required.
Yes, landfilling is an option, but we were hoping we could put it to better use (and possibly get some money).
Thanks for the reply.
Does anyone have experience with using alum sludge for beneficial purposes? The specific application I am working on is a plant upgrade -- 4.0 MGD design capacity with DAF for clarification. Thanks, Mike
Yes, you have answered my question. Thank you for your assistance.
By the way, the one AWWA resource I found on the topic is the manual of practice on Distribution System Requirements for Fire Protection (M31), but it doesn't address the fuel issue.
I am using the Hazen-Williams equation to calculate flow in existing A.C. pipe: 12" and 8". What should I use for an actual inner diameter?
Also, what is a reasonable value for the Hazen-Williams "C"? I don't know exactly when the pipe was installed, but the fact that it's A.C. gives an...
Thank you all for your quick responses.
Let me see if I understand you correctly:
*Because my application is a municipal booster station designed to provide high flow to a pressure zone for firefighting, NFPA does not apply, so I could use natural gas as a fuel source.
*However, the question is...
My understanding is that NFPA 20 does not allow fire pumps to be powered by natural gas. Is this true for a municipal fire pump in a booster pumping station?