I need help to calculate a limiting slenderness of the web of a member, specifically in the "CASE 16" of Table B4.1b of AISC 360-10.
It is assumed that a Double T-section with simple symmetry should have two possible values "My" (one fiber for the lower end and another value for the...
Thanks to both, that's just the case that less I know, but if you tell me that this is the best option, then I will study this case. Thank you very much again.
I need to model a element to have different stiffness values in compresion and tension, but both together
I am trying to model a link in SAP 2000 (nonlinear analysis), but I need the links to have different stiffness values in compression and tensile, but both together.
I read anothre...
I'm doing a deck of a Bridge, it's of concrete (slab) with steel girders, in Sap2000 I did the Slab with Shell Elements, and the beams with Frame Elements. But after I put every loads and combinations, I need the Forces for the Design of the elements.
I was trying to compare the Forces...
what do you think about this method?
First I do an abutment with springs, and the another abutment, with Earth Pressure (like a load, with at-rest pressure value for the first iteration), after I need check the displacements in order to verify if it's Active, Pasive or At-rest condition...
KMD, after You finish an iteration with Springs, You use "Seisab" in order to find Soil pressure (equivalent) in the abutments right ?, but if I don't have "Seisab", do You have any other method for this?
gwynn, do You use "Sap2000" for run "non-linear springs" ?
First I apply only Dead Load, Live Load (truck) and Temperature, so I get a Movement of the Wall...
With that, I can get from the Curve a Coefficient for the Earth Pressure (I choose Medium Dense Sand for it), and like Temperature +, so I get Passive Earth Pressure Case.
So later I apply all...
Here is the Curve of the Report NCHRP 343.
PD: I have done the complete Bridge on Sap2000, so I have both Abutments and the Superstructure there...
It's a bridge of 2 lanes, so I put 2 Trucks...
But if I apply Tº and/or Seismic loads, so 1 Abutment must to get Passive Earth Pressure, but the another ?? (Active Earth Pressure i think)...
My bridge have less than 200' in lenght (it's almost 100')
I have two questions to your last answer Qshake:
1) If I do these case, 1 or 2, so how I get the value of Coefficients of Springs for the Seismic Case??, because for the Static case, I apply the Tº(+ or -), Dead load and Live load, so...
Thanks bridgebuster...
Really it's a great book for Integral Bridges, but i'm still with my problem, because I don't know how to apply the Earth Pressure in the Seismic Case on Abutments. For the Static Case, I used Design Curves Recommended by NCHRP 343 (1991), (Wall movement/Wall Height vs K)...
I'm looking for a method for the Seismic Design in Integral Bridges, principally I need to calculate the Earth Pressures (Passive and Active I think).
The problem that I have is about a iteration, because this case is not completly Passiva either Active, so I don't know how get the real...