Hi Ken,
I don't know if I will have access to the results of the aluminum alloy testing. Since I am a third party in the anodizing process, just don't know.
But I do know that some more parts were anodized by the same anodizer and the results were good.
The AL 6061 T6 was purchased from a...
Ken.. I looked at the pitting under a microscope and they look like the entrance to a small crystal cave.. white, crystalline structures. Will definitely look for the "boils"..don't recall seeing those though.
Haven't spoken with the anodizer. Since the latest batch had some good and...
Hi Ken,
Yes, the parts were anodized properly in the past by the same anodizer. What we are looking at is possibly contaminated aluminum stock. We are having it assayed to determine this. We had other parts anodized in the same bath with different Al stock and they were fine. So.. doesn't that...
Hello all..
I am having some parts anodized that will be deployed in saltwater for years. Recently have seen pitting. The pitting does not cover the entire surface of the part. Mainly seen in the ridges and grooves. Any suggestions? Also, can a part show up from the anodizer with no pits and...