thanks Ron,
It is a 7000 sqr ft house, 9+ ft basement, plus all the trenching/drainage in front of the house has hit rock as well. I think the number is approx right. Danger of buying a teardown is its hard to know where the lodge starts and ends. expensive/painful leasson!
I will look into...
The excavator gave me a price of $250/load to haul it out of there, which would be over $50k.
Maybe I could split the cost with someone which is a good idea.
I'm building a house in southern CT and in digging the foundation we hit rock ledge, a lot of it. As a result, I have a huge pile of boulders (supposedly over 200 dumpsters worth). I've been trying to give it away to builders/masons/excavators but haven't had much success. Any ideas on how to...