Hi all,
I've built a fe-model of box beam with rod elements(CROD) and shear plates(CSHEAR). The model is a very simple cantilever,which is constrained fully (DOF123456) at an edge and loaded at another edge.
What i am concerned with is :the model wasn't solved smoothly by NASTRAN because of...
Thanks guys,
any comments were helpful and interesting for me.
My understandings about crippling are ;
>It's a kind of inelastic buckling.
>We must resort emperical formula or conduct tests to calculate crippring strength or hi-ended FEA(fine mesh and non-linear).
Anyway, since I posted...
I'm sizing spar cap and have some questions which concerns to crippling stress.
Does spar flange cripple often ?
Is the actual stress of spar cap needed not to exceed crippling stress ?
(Should I keep cap stress under crippling stress?)
I've read Bruhn and NIU's pink book.
Hi all,
Does anyone know how to obtain nodal forces of a node to which more two rigid elements are jointed?
I've tried to do it by both MPC force and Grid Point Force but could'nt get each force of rigid elements.
Just only summation zero was listed.
Any help would be nice.Thank you.
Thanks very much for your helpful replies.
I appreciate excellent advices by RPstress.
I've checked NASTRAN results by hand calculation and reached good accordance 'in the ballpark'.
Tnank you.
Hi Philcondit,
Thanks for your reply.
I had refered to the NASA's page previously and it was very helpful.
My original model description is following.
* Size : 23.62"X11.81"
* Face : E=3094 ksi , t = 0.031"
* Core : G=2.1 ksi , h = 0.569"
* Linear analysis , and all...
Hi all,
I have modeled honeycomb sandwich plates under uniform pressure in NASTRAN and have found that considering transverse shear deformation is important in modeling honeycomb sandwich structures. However,in many cases of treating solid plates , we can make the transverse shear stiffness...
Hi all,
I have modeled honeycomb sandwich plates under uniform pressure in NASTRAN and have found that considering transverse shear deformation is important in modeling honeycomb sandwich structures. However,in many cases of treating solid plates , we can make the transverse shear stiffness...