Thanks for the help.
FYI - The valve manufacturer I talked with confirmed that they have not tested gate valves in this scenario and could not warranty a 12" valve used in this configuration. They would however be comfortable with a 16" class 250 Butterfly valve for the temporary condition...
Can anyone help with the the axial(compression) force a gate valve can withstand?
For a project I am working on we are cutting a 30" diamter cast iron water pipe and installing a 30"x12" reducer(or two reducers back to back) and then a 12" gate valve to replace a section of this main with 12"...
Thanks all for your replies.
Jgailla - This is a new wetwell so we can design the inlet and wetwell as needed. The need to provide emergency storage is the driving factor for the depth of the wetwell in this case and the proximity and elevation of the upstream screen plant dictates my...
Thanks for all your responses.
I have never worked with a slurry bedding so I will have to do some more research on that. The thought of 4" of fall over 400' seems like it would require an inordinate amount of precision/time to keep a consistent slope and avoid lowpoints.
However I might be...
For a sewer lift station with duplex centifugal pumps in the wetwell I am unsure of the best option for the gravity inlet pipe. I only have about 20 LF of pipe between a screen plant and the wetwell. I want to avoid turbulance in the wetwell created by the gravity inlet. I can either have the...
My question is about minimum pipe slopes for gravity sanitary sewers (or storm). I know what the jurisdictional requirements are and that slope should produce a minimum flushing velocity in pipes; However, I have doubts about the constructability & longterm performance of designing pipes at...
Thanks All, My demand that I need to meet is 1500 gpm at a minimum of 20 psi.
For now I have set up a model using a reservoir at an elevation of 732 and a pump with three data points. I followed cvg's advice and drew a straight line between my known static and 20 psi residual readings to...
Its been a while since using waterCAD and I am looking for help on how to model the connection from the existing system to a proposed system extension.
I have been given the following information from the City based on their hydraulic model of the sytem.
Elevation of Connection: 732-ft...
Thanks everyone for your replies.
Johnny, I think you answered my question. I was just unsure of the significance of the "rated flow" provided by the manufacturer. Based soley on the pump curve this pump will work for me. I will be slightly to the left of the best efficiency point and will...
I am selecting a submersible turbine well pump and am unsure of the definition of "rated head". The pump specifications say that the rated head is 179-ft. My design TDH is 207-ft. Based on the pump curve it looks like this is an efficient operating point for this pump. Is is advisable to...