We manufacture solar powered chemical injection pumps which seem similar to this. We use a 1/9 HP motor along with 110Ah batteries. They are charged using a solar panel and charge regulator.
My confusion is that you need a DC motor to run off of batteries, and have a built in charger. I'm...
But you can't make him drink; no need for the facepalm though.
I did see the flaminsystems.com, and I looked into it. I'm sure that a custom design could be made, however during my searches I happened upon a company that does extensive custom work, and already has an OTS model with ~95% of...
I have found a few places today that seem to be very confident that they can accomplish what I am asking for. I was definitely looking for a micro controller, and was in the process of getting something custom made by our motor manufacturer, however it wasn't EXACTLY what we were...
I am not an electrical engineer, nor do I know much about motor controls, and I was hoping to get pointed in the right direction for creating a custom programmable timer to drive a 12V motor.
My company manufactures solar powered pumps which we would like to run intermittently every 30 seconds...
I was hoping someone could shed a bit of light on switch selection when trying to design a system for a class 1 div. 2 system.
Our initial attempt at getting certified received this response regarding the switch and a potentiometer we plan to use in our system.
Control/Battery Enclosure
My company is looking to power a pushrod through the use of an eccentric disc. I have tested two motors and have also been trying to find an equation to somehow relate the amount of motor torque to the amount of force on the pushrod, but there seems to be huge gaps between the theoretical...