There's the issue. Between being a full time engineer, and doing my research, there isn't a lot of time to search through 264,000 google hits, which 263,000 are going to be the same information that I allready know. I would think that someone who is a professional gear designer could point me...
I will take a look through the books you have poseted. So far everything I have been able to find just shows the lewis equation. I am looking for something that has a little more in depth explanation. How does the contact ratio of a spur gear effect its fatigue life, or doesn't it? How does...
Hello Everyone,
I'm trying to design a set of gears to maximize the bending fatige life, within a given center distance and face width. I'm trying to learn how the pitch, pressure angle and helical or spur will effect the fatigue life of the gear. Can anyone point me towards a suitable text...